ISO 27001 Information Security Management System

Secure your knowledge and information with a systematic approach

Most organisations now rely on information systems to support all of their critical business processes. This dependency has led to an evolving risk from electronic security threats such as hacking, data loss, breach of confidentiality and even terrorism. These increasingly sophisticated attacks can come from individuals, private organisations or even clandestine foreign intelligence agencies. When these attacks result in loss of information, theft of confidential data or damage to critical systems and documents, organisations can suffer severe consequences including financial repercussions and reputational risk.

What is ISO/IEC 27001?

ISO/IEC 27001 is the leading international standard for information security management. It covers commercial, governmental and not-for-profit organisations, and specifies the requirements for establishing, implementing, monitoring and improving an information security management system (ISMS).


Why is ISO/IEC 27001 important?

Your organisation may not consider its information to be vulnerable or targeted for attack but in the borderless Internet-connected world, disruptions to business IT processes can cripple your operations and allow you

How can you prepare for ISO/IEC 27001?

Like many other management systems, ISO/IEC 27001 is based on the Plan-Do-Check-Act approach to quality improvement. You can prepare for the standard by undergoing training to learn more about it. AQSCERT  offers a foundation course that provides an overview of the standard’s requirements. You will also learn what your organisation needs to do in order to ensure its continued compliance to the standard after initial certification.

Additional information security services

  • Penetration testing– Our experts make use of specialised technology to find vulnerabilities in your website or internal network and assess the impact of possible attacks before they happen. We provide you with a prioritised and validated list of threats requiring your attention.
  • PCI-DSS and PA-DSS– We provide support for security requirements, especially for the payment card industry, which has different requirements depending on the card company (MasterCard, VISA, AMEX)

Your benefits at a glance?

  • Minimise risks– through a structured and globally recognised information security methodology that identifies and mitigates threats.
  • Protect your confidential information – from the threat of hacking, data loss and breach of confidentiality, and ensure you can recover faster from such attacks.
  • Establish business continuity plans
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